Dremel Digilab 3D Slicer Update
New features added
- Added Dremel 3D20 printer profile. Requires firmware V1.5_20180417 or later. Use the 3D20 Firmware Update Tool to upgrade your printer to the latest version.
- 3D45 – Added PETG filament material profile.
- 3D45 – Print over Local Area Network (LAN) with camera support. You can now send prints and monitor builds under the Build screen (requires WiFi or Ethernet connection).
- Open the Dremel slicer, click the printer name in the top right corner and click Manage Printers
- Select your Dremel 3D45 and click Connect via Network
- Click Add and type in your printer’s IP address
- Click OK then Connect
- Close out the settings windows. You should now see a green check on the Build screen button indicating you are successfully connected.
- Clicking the Build button will display the live camera feed for your printer.