3D Lesson Plans Overview

Dremel DigiLab 3D Lesson Plans

Facilitate Truly Productive Learning for Grades 3-12

Dremel STEM lesson plans provide teachers with a standards aligned curriculum (Common Core, NGSS, TEKS) created in collaboration with education experts. Every lesson plan has been tested in real-life education settings and designed to work in classrooms up to 30 students. Students will follow the lesson plan guidelines, work in teams while using their CAD design, Data Collection, Subject Knowledge, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration skills.

Click here for instructions on how to access the lesson plan library.  You must own a Dremel 3D Printer as you will need your serial number to gain access.

Dremel DigiLab teamed up with Chicago Public Schools and DePaul University to play test several of its lesson plans.  Watch this video to see how students react to the design thinking process and 3D printing.

Standards Aligned and Real-Life Tested

Dremel lesson plans provide teachers with a standards aligned curriculum (Common Core, Next Generation Science/NGSS, TEKS) created in collaboration with education experts. Every lesson plan has been tested in real-life education settings and designed to work in classrooms of up to 30 students. 

Empowers Students to Learn from Mistakes

Students will follow the lesson plan guidelines, work in teams while using CAD design, data collection, subject knowledge, creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills.

Design Thinking: Student learn through concepting, printing and testing their designs, then modifying them to make performance improvements

Dremel's 5 Phase Design Thinking Process

Dremel DigiLab has incorporated its 5 phase design thinking process into each of its lesson plans.  

1.  Conceptualize.  Student teams use creativity, communication and collaboration

2.  3D Design.  3D design skills take over and the planning comes to life

3.  Prototype.  3D prints are often printed in parts and assembled

4. Test & LearnStudents gather data/test results, analyze them and make improvement recommendations

5. Re-Design.  Improve on their previous design based on their  test results

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